Yamuna Nagar News: Four members of Dalit family beaten up

Jagadhari. In Kail village of Sadar Jagadhari, people of Dalit community have accused people of upper caste of beating them up and breaking the wall and tower under construction. Four members of the Dalit family were injured in this fight. Only one of them was admitted to the civil hospital when his condition was serious.
The incident is of 28 June. The family members allege that even after the letter from the hospital was sent, the police did not register a case against the accused. By giving a complaint to the SP, the family members have requested to take action in the matter. On the other hand, the Jagadhari police station in-charge says that when the investigating officer went to the hospital to take the statement, the injured were missing from their beds. After taking the statement, the case will be registered. Advertisement: 0:06
Kail resident Karnapal told in the complaint to the SP that he has started construction work in his house. Whose wall and tower are being constructed. It is alleged that for the last few days, people of upper caste of the village have been abusing them and insulting them by using casteist words. On 28th June, around 10 in the morning, his family members Seema, Lajwanti, Raj Kumar, Pratik were present at home. Their mason was constructing the tower and wall. Just then, some people of the upper caste from their village came there. As soon as they arrived, the accused threatened them and said that you cannot do anything against our wishes. The accused abused his family members and insulted them by using casteist words. When his wife and son stopped the accused from speaking like this, they got furious and attacked them with sticks and rods. His mother and father who came to rescue them were also beaten badly and injured.
The accused pushed them and broke their under-construction wall and tower. When the people gathered after hearing the noise, the accused fled after threatening to kill them. His neighbor Manga Ram informed about this on Dial 112. After which the police reached the spot and took photographs of the incident spot. The people around admitted his wife, son and parents to the hospital. Where they were given treatment. Karnapal told that he complained about this to the police. It is alleged that the police did not take any action in the case. Forget about arresting the accused, no case was even registered against them. The accused are still threatening him. When no action was taken in the case, he complained about it to the SP.
On receiving information about the case, the police inspected the spot. After this, the investigating officer went to the hospital to take the statement of the injured. But the injured was not found on his bed. The investigating officer is currently on leave. The case will be registered soon after investigating the matter.
Courtesy : Hindi News