MP: Dalit Sarpanch Denied a Chair in Gram Sabha, Told to Bring One from Home or Stand

According to state government orders, the flag hoisting was to be carried out by the Sarpanch. Shraddha had informed Panchayat Secretary Vijay Pratap Singh about the order, but by the time she arrived at the Panchayat premises, Deputy Sarpanch Dharmendra Singh Baghel had already hoisted the flag.
Geetha Sunil Pillai
Satna – A shocking example of caste discrimination has emerged from Akouna Gram Panchayat in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh, where the first Dalit woman Sarpanch in a Thakur-majority area is reportedly continuously being humiliated. The issue came to light prominently on Independence Day, August 15, when she was prevented from hoisting the national flag.
Sarpanch Shraddha Singh, in a letter to Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Prahlad Singh Patel, stated that a flag-hoisting ceremony was scheduled at the Gram Panchayat on Independence Day. According to state government orders, the flag hoisting was to be carried out by the Sarpanch. Shraddha had informed Panchayat Secretary Vijay Pratap Singh about the order, but by the time she arrived at the Panchayat premises, Deputy Sarpanch Dharmendra Singh had already hoisted the flag.
This incident was not just due to her being a woman but was part of a deliberate plan because she belongs to the Dalit community. Sarpanch Shraddha Singh described this as a clear example of conspiracy and insult against her.
On Independence Day, by the time Shraddha arrived at the Panchayat premises, Deputy Sarpanch Dharmendra Singh had already hoisted the flag.
On Independence Day, by the time Shraddha arrived at the Panchayat premises, Deputy Sarpanch Dharmendra Singh had already hoisted the flag.
In a conversation with The Mooknayak, 28-year-old Sarpanch Shraddha Singh shared that she was humiliated again during a Gram Sabha meeting on August 17. During the meeting, when she asked for a chair, both the Deputy Sarpanch and the Secretary refused her, saying, “If you want a chair, bring it from home; otherwise, sit on the ground or remain standing.”
Shraddha mentioned that this was not the first time she had been treated this way. As a Dalit woman, she has always faced humiliation and discrimination. Whenever she tries to get any work done in the village, obstacles are deliberately placed in her way.
Shraddha was elected as the Sarpanch of this village in July 2022. The village has approximately 1,600 voters, 50% of whom are from the Thakur community, while the rest belong to Dalit, Adivasi, and OBC communities. She won the election by a thin margin of 58 votes. Infuriated by her victory, the caste Hindus had tried to create ruckus and instigate others, Shraddha said. However, things were controlled after intervention by SDM and the DM.
Sarpanch Shraddha expressed that she is deeply hurt by the behavior she has been subjected to, but she is not one to give up. She vowed to continue raising her voice against this discrimination and injustice and will fight to advance developmental works in her Panchayat.
Shraddha has also lodged complaints with the District collector, Madhya Pradesh Sarpanch Association and the Panchayati Raj Council. She mentioned that a meeting is scheduled in Bhopal on September 5, where this issue will be discussed. She will demand disciplinary action and the removal of officials who engage in caste-based discrimination.
It remains to be seen what actions the state government and the Panchayat and Rural Development Minister will take in this matter and whether the Dalit woman Sarpanch will receive her rightful respect and justice.
In connection with this matter, Advocate Vijaykumar Azad of Bhim Army – Bharat Ekta Mission stated that protests and memorandums would be submitted across all districts regarding this incident by the organization.
Courtesy : The Mooknayak
Note: This news is originally published in and was used solely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights