Karl Marx: The Greatest Revolutionary Philosopher in Human History
The name of the personality who influenced human history the most is Karl Heinrich Marx. He was the first philosopher, who explained what is the basis of the speed of human history and its development journey? Why slavery, feudalism and from its womb capitalism was born after more or less primitive communism all over the world. He also told that the new society that will be born from the womb of capitalism, all forms of exploitation-oppression and injustice will end and a democratic society will be born, in which there will be no trace of poverty, exploitation-oppression, injustice. Will happen. All human beings will have the right to live with equal dignity and self-respect without any discrimination. No one will be in a position to exploit or harass anyone.
By Dr. Siddhartha
Freedom and equality will be available equally to all. There will be only relation of love and brotherhood between man and man. Every human being will get equal opportunity for the development of his personality and full conditions will exist for the spiritual development of every human being. The basis of human-human relationship will not be personal selfishness and transactions, but love. No relationship will be based on compulsion or compulsion. In this society, every such situation will be put to an end, which makes a human being a petty person confined to personal interests. Social interests will get priority over personal interests. The whole human society will become such a completely developed human being that there will be no need of state and no punishment. Such a society will not be confined to any region (border of the country). The whole world will be one.
All resources will be owned by the entire human race and used for all. All resources, technology, scientific achievements and skills will not be used for any class, community or individual, but for the whole human society. There will be no border of countries, so there will be no need of army and weapons. Man will be at that stage of his development where there will be no need of any police or jail to punish him.
All resources and knowledge-science will be used only and only for the physical and spiritual progress of mankind. Man will take from nature only as much as he needs. In this way, he named this stage of the society as communism.
But Marx was not an idealist philosopher or a saint, he was a scientific materialist revolutionary philosopher. He knew very well that which class would not allow such a society to be formed under any circumstances and which class would lead in building such a society and through what struggles and stages mankind would have to go through to build a communist society. For the first time, he presented its detailed outline in the Communist Manifesto (1848).
In the Communist Manifesto, he clearly underlined that the history till now has been the history of class-struggles and in this class struggle, one property class replaced another property class. In the slavery system, the slave owners were replaced by the feudal landlords-kings and emperors. By removing the feudal landlords and kings and emperors, their place was taken by the capitalists. But every wealthy class that captured the power used it for the exploitation and oppression of the toiling people. But the capitalism established by the capitalists has created such a class, which will destroy the system of private property that has been going on till now in the class society, along with it all forms of exploitation-oppression and injustice will also end. Marx gave the name of proletariat to this toiling class which ended all forms of exploitation and oppression by abolishing the system of private property. He gave this name because this working class had lost every kind of property, it has only one thing to survive, that is its labor. He can survive only by benching him and he has no other way to survive. Marx told that the capitalist class earns profit by buying this labor and gives only that much to the laborer who sells his labor, so that he can survive and produce laborers (in the form of sons and daughters) in the future. Can do
Marx did not see this toiling proletariat as a forced or helpless force, he saw this class as the creator of history, whose emancipation is the essential condition of ending the system of private property and freeing itself. In the process of struggle to liberate the entire human race and build a stateless society, in which there is no trace of deprivation, exploitation-oppression and injustice. Every person should work according to his ability and take according to his need.
But Marx, a scientific historical materialist, was acutely aware of the fact that the propertied class would not automatically give up its monopoly over the property it used to exploit the labor of the working people to make profits. At such a time the proletariat will have to take away from the propertied class their property, which they use to exploit the labor of others. When the proletariat goes to snatch or take possession of such property, the state pretending to be neutral will come with all its machinery to protect the property of the propertied, which the proletariat will have to face. That is, the proletariat will have to capture the power (state) which protects the wealthy exploiting classes, Marx named this process of capturing power as proletarian revolution. This will not be a spontaneous action, but will be led by the party of the proletariat.
In 1871, while Marx was alive, the workers of France (Paris) captured power by removing the property classes, but they could not maintain it. We know it as the Paris Commune. Summarizing this, Marx came to the conclusion that if the proletariat captures power, the old property class-capitalist class will make every effort to reverse its power. For this reason, Marx talked of socialism as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism. In this transitional socialist period, the proletariat will retain power and the state will also remain. This state will not be an exploitative state of the capitalists or other property classes, but a state of the working majority. This is what Marx called the proletarian state or socialism, which would be a complete democracy for 90 percent of the working people, but a dictatorship for the 10 percent of the old parasitic property class, because of these 10 percent of the property classes for their attempt to overturn the state of the toilers. But this dictatorship will be necessary for a few days.
But it will be the effort of the proletariat to destroy the transitional socialist society as soon as possible and establish a communist society. Marx was not merely a philosophical interpreter. He himself had said that till now the philosophers have explained the society, there is a need to change the society. Marx devoted his life to proletarian revolution, whose goal was to destroy the system of private property and pave the way for human emancipation. He identified himself with the proletariat, because he knew that it was the first class in history to pave the way for human emancipation.
Throughout his life, Marx remained actively associated with the revolutionary activities of Germany, France, Belgium and England. Due to his revolutionary thinking and activities, his country has been expelled, expelled from Germany, then went to France, expelled from France, then Belgium, from Belgium again to France, from France again to Germany and then from Germany to England. He spent his last time in England, where his mausoleum was built.
Marx dedicated his talent, intelligence, knowledge, wealth and body to the revolution. In the process, he lived a life of appalling poverty and deprivation and handed over his ancestral property for the revolutionary struggle. Lost children without timely treatment. Keep wandering from door to door. Never got happiness in material sense, but he should always be happy, because he said and believed that struggle is happiness.
At the age of 17, ‘there is happiness in struggle’, he expressed it in his poem in this form-
Rita life with difficulties
Not for me,
No, my stormy mind does not accept this.
I want a great high goal
And for that the unbroken sequence of struggles throughout the ages.
Oh art! you open
Heritage of humanity, the door to its priceless treasures
open for me
in the embrace of your wisdom and emotions
I will bind the whole world!
let us go on a long and difficult journey
come on, because
shallow, aimless and aimless life
We do not accept
we sleeplessly rub the pen
Will not live in oppression and helplessness.
we-aspiration, resentment, impulse, and
Will live in pride!
Live like a real person.
As Marx has resolved in the last line of his poem that he will ‘live like a real man’, then he will live like a real man.
He wrote an article in 1835 at the age of 17, titled – ‘A young man’s thoughts on choosing a profession’. In this article, he wrote that “if our life-circumstances give us the opportunity to choose the profession of our mind, then we will choose for ourselves such a profession that will bring us the most glory, such a profession in which we have full confidence in the truth of the ideas. Is. Then we will choose such a profession in which we will have the greatest opportunity to serve mankind and we ourselves will be able to get closer to that common goal to which every profession is only a means to get closer and closer.
In fact, Marx chose such a profession. That was the profession—the scientific explanation of the world and the revolutionary work to change the world. Marx should continue to do this for his whole life. When the period of revolutions started, they would have joined it and when the period of revolutions had cooled down, they would have got involved in the scientific interpretation of the world. Capital is a great result of this interpretation.
There is also a unique work like (in three volumes), which exposed the fiber of capitalism and told that only after the destruction of capitalism, the path of human liberation would be paved.
Marx lived like a revolutionary philosopher. Considering his revolutionary side as the basic element of his personality, his dear friend Engels wrote that “Marx and all who have been, were first of all revolutionary. The real resolution in his life was to overthrow the capitalist society by one method or the other. The state institutions it had created were to be overthrown. The resolution of Marx’s life was to contribute to the emancipation of the modern proletariat whom he had made aware of his condition, which he had made aware of the conditions of his class-emancipation. Victory was his element in struggle, and in struggle he showed such warmth, such indomitable vitality, and such success that in these matters one could scarcely even touch his shadow.
Salute to such revolutionary philosopher Marx on his birthday!
Dr. Siddharth
The author is an independent journalist and Bahujan thinker. PhD in Hindi Literature. Sharp and factual writings on current issues. Das is the author of the important book Samajik Kranti Ki Yoddha: Savitri Bai Phule, published by Das Publications.
Courtesy : Dalit Dastak
Note: This news piece was originally published in dalitdastak.com and used purely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights