Did a constitutional conscience drive much of the Dalit and OBC vote? | The Hindu parley podcast
The Constitution is seemingly at the centre of political rhetoric and symbolism in India right now. Opposition leaders have held up copies of the Constitution while walking into Parliament. They have waved these in the Prime Minister’s face. They have also held these copies while taking oath. Some argue that this is the Opposition’s tip to the mandate that it believes it has received from the country’s marginalised and oppressed communities to “Save the Constitution”.
So, did a constitutional conscience drive much of the Dalit and OBC (Other Backward Classes) vote this Lok Sabha elections? And to what extent? Here we discuss these questions.
Guests: Harish S. Wankhede, assistant professor at the Centre for Political Studies, JNU, New Delhi; Ravikant Kisana, Assistant Dean (Academic Affairs) and Associate Professor at Woxsen University, Hyderabad.
Courtesy : The Hindu
Note: This news is originally published in thehindu.com and was used solely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights.