Dr. BR Ambedkar: Dr. Ambedkar’s warning about people bowing down before political person or power

Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s first warning was about ‘Methods of protest in democracy’. “One should give up the methods of civil disobedience, non-cooperation and satyagraha,”
By dalitawaz
The second warning of Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar in his last speech to the Constituent Assembly was about the tendency of people/citizens to bow down before any political person or authority. “Bhakti in religion may be the path to the salvation of the soul, but in politics, bhakti or hero worship ensures a sure path to degradation and ultimately to dictatorship.”
His last and third warning was that Indians should not get satisfaction only from political democracy, because the inherent inequality in Indian society does not end just by achieving political democracy. “If we are deprived of it (equality) for a long time, we will put our political democracy in jeopardy,”
Dr. Ambedkar was very conscious during his speech that if we want to maintain democracy through constitution, not only in form but also in reality, then what we have to do for it.
Courtesy : Dalit Awaaz
Note: This news piece was originally published in dalitawaaz.com and used purely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights