State Department Prepares to Spend Up to $50K on Transgender Activism in India
The State Department is offering up to $50k to “counter stigma against the transgender [TG] community in India” by creating transgender activist groups within corporations.
The State Department grant, which offers between $40,000 and $50,000 to a grantee, is specifically intended to support the creation of transgender activist groups inside corporations in India.
The description of the grant opportunity, which was posted in November of 2022, reads, “In the immediate term, this exercise should lead to the setting up of Pride/Rainbow groups within corporations that actively create awareness about TG persons and their rights.”
But this action is merely intended to set the stage for more aggressive, pro-transgender activism. The description goes on to say:
In the medium term, a concrete objective will be to have the participating corporations make changes to current policies, demonstrate the activities they have executed to foster a more inclusive work environment, and develop active transgender employee recruitment plans.
The project goal is laid out in an attached document titled “Countering Stigma Against the Transgender Community.” It reads:
The goal of this project is for corporate and business leaders in Hyderabad and Chennai to better understand the transgender community so they can adopt policies and carry out activities that foster a work environment that is safe, nurturing, accepting, and inclusive for the members of community who join their workforce. The longer-term intention is that these corporations and businesses increase their hiring of members of the transgender community and help their employees and the general public be more accepting.
The grantee will work to organize workshops for employees and leadership of corporations of a minimum of 15-25 different corporations (with 500 employees or more) in Hyderabad and Chennai to sensitize them towards the rights of the LGBTQI+ community broadly, and the transgender (TG) community specifically.
Organizations that are eligible to apply for the grant include nonprofits, as well as private and public colleges. The grant’s funding opportunity number is H-NOFO-23-100.
Breitbart News previously revealed that the State Department awarded $30,000 to a pro-transgender organization based in Kyrgyzstan.
The State Department did not respond to a request for comment prior to publication.
Courtesy : Breitbrat
Note: This news piece was originally published in and used purely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights.