75 shelter homes & security cells to be established to support UP’s transgender community
Trans citizens will be provided with identity cards to have them linked to various govt schemes.
Khushbu Kirti
In a recent development, it has been decided to establish 75 dignity homes as well as 75 security cells for the transgender community. In addition, the trans citizens will also be provided with identity cards that will ensure that their children are allowed to enroll into Ashram Type Schools run by the social welfare department.
The Uttar Pradesh government, in a step to support the community, will set up these dignity homes or ‘Garima Greh’ in every district of the state.
Garima Greh to provide shelter to the trans citizens
These dignity or shelter homes are being built to provide shelter to the trans citizens. Herein, the people will be proffered trainings in various skills and education. They will also be acquainted with the different government schemes available for them and made aware of how they can utilise the same. Basic amenities like food and medical care will also be available to make a dignified space for the trans people.
The identity cards will ensure that the community is linked to government schemes and can avail the same when needed.
“The idea is that once all the transgender people have identity cards, then all of them can be enrolled and linked to various government schemes,” Minister of State Social Welfare Asim Arun said.
Under schemes like these, the government has planned to set up various garima greh and security cells to empower the trans citizens. These are being set up with an aim to offer safe spaces to the community.
Courtesy : Knock Sense
Note: This news piece was originally published in knocksense.com and used purely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights .